Amplification of the G-spot

The G-spot can be a source of extra sexual pleasure by injection of hyaluronic acid

Amplification of the G-spot

This is a non surgical procedure to help to enhance sexual pleasure for women. It involves injecting a hyaluronic acid filler substance into the G-spot area, to increase its size and sensitivity. The G-spot is a debated erogenous zone located on the anterior wall of the vagina.

Many women report increased sexual pleasure after amplification of the G-spot, but results vary from person to person.


The Procedure

Preparation: This genital area is first cleaned then local anesthetic is admistered to the treatment area to minimize discomfort during the procedure itself

The treatment : The Doctor then locates the G-spot, which is typically found on the anterior (front) wall of the vagina, about 1-2 inches inside. A small needle is then used to inject the hyaluronic acid, into the G-spot area. The filler will increase the size and sensitivity of the G-spot.

After the procedure: After the injection, the patient may experience some discomfort, swelling, or minor bleeding at the injection site. They are typically advised to avoid sexual activity and strenuous exercise for a period, to allow for proper healing. If the area is sore, normal pain relief medication can be taken. Ice packs can help with swelling or discomfort in the first few days. It should be remembered that ice packs should not be applied directly to the skin, wrap in a towel first. Avoid gym until the area has fully healed. It is best to avoid using tampons in the first few days.

Longer term

It is important to know that hyaluronic acid injections are temporary and repeat treatments will be needed at periodic intervals to maintain results.