Buried Penis

Causes of a buried penis How can a buried penis be fixed ? Surgical Procedures

A buried penis, also known as a hidden penis is a condition where the penis is partially or completely hidden beneath the skin of the pubic area. This can occur due to various reasons, including excessive fat in the pubic area, scarring from previous surgeries, congenital abnormalities, or conditions that cause inadequate skin growth around the penis. It is a very distressing condition which often prevents men from having fulfilling sex lives due to a feeling of embarrassment with their penis size.


Causes of a buried penis :

Congenital Conditions: Sometimes, a buried penis can be present from birth due to congenital conditions such as congenital mega-prepuce or congenital webbed penis. Many men we see at Moorgate Andrology tell us  this condition has been there since birth.

Excessive Fat Tissue: Obesity or significant weight gain can cause excess fat tissue in the pubic area, which may cover the penis. This is a very common problem today.

Scarring: Previous surgeries, particularly circumcision, can lead to scarring that pulls the skin over the penis. We see many cases of buried penis following circumcision or as a result of complications from circumcision.

Inadequate Skin Growth: Some conditions may lead to insufficient skin growth around the penis, causing it to be buried.


How can a buried penis be fixed ?

Weight Loss: If the buried penis is due to excess fat in the pubic area, weight loss through diet and exercise may help to reduce the fat tissue and expose more of the penis. Most patients who come to Moorgate Andrology have usually tried the diet and exercise regime without success. However, this does not to say that you should not try this first.

Topical steroid Treatments: In some cases, topical treatments such as corticosteroid creams may be used to reduce inflammation and help the penis emerge from beneath the skin. Again, we see patients in the clinic who have been prescribed steroid creams and the results are not always successful

Surgical Procedures:

Liposuction: This procedure involves the removal of excess fat from the pubic area to uncover the buried penis. If the pubic fat pad is covering most of the penis shaft, liposuction will help to reval the length of the shaft and make it look longer .

Penile Lengthening and anchoring  Surgery: This surgery is the most common approach at Moorgate Andrology to fix a buried penis. In this procedure we increase the flaccid length of the penis by releasing the buried portion and allowing it to extend further from the body. In most cases we can increase the flaccid length of the penis between one and two inches. The precise increase does vary slightly between all men, with most achieving around one inch increase. The lengthening surgery is also completed by an anchoring of the penile skin to the base, to help prevent retraction of the penis.

Release of Scarring: If scarring is the cause, surgical techniques can be used to release the scar tissue and allow the penis to emerge.

Penile implant:  In cases where the buried penis is associated with erectile dysfunction, penile prostheses may be considered to help achieve and maintain erections. This is only performed when all other methods to treat erectile dysfunction have failed.

If you have a buried penis then the first step is to seek professional advice from our Urologist, Dr Nenad Djakovic. A consultation and assessment is essential to establish the best treatment pathway. Most men who undergo penile surgery to treat a buried penis go on to have satisfactory and fulling sex lives