Inflatable Penile implant aftercare instructions

What to do after a penile implant ( inflatable )


What to expect following surgery

Your prosthesis will be inflated by 60% for one week after your surgery. You should not attempt to manipulate it until you are reviewed by Dr Djakovic which is normally one week after discharge from the hospital 

Please ensure you keep the area free from infection (see advice below). Please inform the team immediately if you develop a temperature or redness/discharge from the wound site. You will be discharged with a five to seven day course of antibiotics.

You may experience “auto-inflation” of your implant. This happens when the prosthesis inflates spontaneously without being activated. This is normal and may be due to some pressure on the pump from walking or sitting. If this occurs please let us know.




What to expect when you get home


Keep your wound clean and dry. You will be discharged with a dry pad which is held in place by your pants. If possible keep your penis elevated against your abdomen using supportive underwear. A brief shower daily can help the healing; however do not soak for long periods, and do not use soap directly on the wound. Dry the wound thoroughly by patting gently with a piece of gauze. Do not rub the area. Avoid taking baths for at least two weeks.

You will develop some bruising of the penis and scrotum. This is normal. Make sure you wear comfortable and supportive underwear in the first weeks after your procedure

Wash your hands before you touch your penis and the wounds.



You should not experience any major bleeding. It is normal for there to be a spot of blood or slight ooze on the dressing. This can be stopped by applying pressure to the area. Use a clean piece of gauze and press firmly on the wound site for about 10 minutes.

If bleeding does not stop, seek medical advice straight away


You will experience some pain or discomfort following your operation.This is perfectly normal at first. Please take your painkillers regularly as provided on discharge from the hospital. Bear in mind that it will take a little time for the discomfort to ease.



Your stitches are dissolvable and do not need to be removed. It is normal for them to take several weeks to dissolve. Do not be tempted to pull the stitches out yourself.


Returning to work

You will require at least two weeks off work and possibly more depending on post operative recovery. Listen to your body and don't overdo things at first. This can make the swelling worse and delay healing


Follow-up Appointment

A follow up appointment will be made for you soon after the surgery.  Dr Dajakovic will  start to teach you how to inflate and deflate your prosthesis. However, any scrotal swelling may make it difficult to use the pump. It will be sire at first and it maybe some weeks before you can comfortably inflate and deflate the device.

You will continue to be followed up on a regular basis until the prosthesis is cycling well and you are confident in inflating and deflating the implant.



To ensure healing and minimize complications do not lift any heavy objects for six weeks

You must not have sex for six weeks following surgery or at least until Dr Djakovic has told you it is safe to do so.

No sport or gym for six weeks.


If you experience any of the following:

  •  bleeding that will not stop when pressure is applied. ( GO TO  A AND E WITHOUT DELAY )
  • Pain which is not controlled by the prescribed painkillers
  • A temperature
  • Increased swelling or discharge from the wound


Contact the patient care team as soon as possible.