Please advise the Doctor if you are taking any medication as some medications may require you to stop taking them before treatment. Please take your medication with you to the clinic on the day of surgery.

If the Doctor needs to contact your GP prior to treatment, you will be informed. In almost all cases this is not required.

Please do not use fake tan or use a sun bed 7 days prior to treatment and until everything has fully healed after your treatment

It is advisable not to use alcohol for 48 hours prior to your treatment. If you drink more than 2-3 drinks daily then you should refrain from drinking alcohol for two weeks prior to your procedure. Alcohol can thin your blood.

It is advisable that you do not smoke tobacco for 4 weeks prior to your treatment, this includes nicotine patches, gum, and vaping unless you are fully healed you should refrain from smoking as this can cause delayed healing which increases the risk of infection, smoking reduces vital oxygen levels required for healing.

You must be two weeks clear of any recreational drugs prior to treatment and until you are healed. You must disclose to the Doctor if you take recreational drugs.  

On the day of your treatment

- Be sure to remove any piercings  in the penis, if any,  before treatment.

- Please wear loose fitting clothing, so that you feel comfortable travelling home.

- Have a shower on the morning of your treatment. Please trim back or shave your pubic hair prior to attending. Do not apply any deodorants or creams after showering.

- You can return to work after your treatment.

- You can eat and drink normally before and after treatment, but avoid alcohol for 48 hours before and after treatment.

- Photographs will be taken prior to your treatment and at your post treatment appointments.

These are for you and your clinical team only.

- Please ensure that you arrive ON TIME for your appointment, All treatments are time co-ordinated, and if you arrive late your treatment may have to be postponed to another date.

- Allow extra time ( especially if booking public transport)  in case the clinic is running late, or your treatment takes longer than expected



It is very important that you attend any follow up appointments when requested to do so by the Urologist, or the patient care team. The number of follow up appointments will depend on your recovery.

Strapping/ plasters. Your Doctor may use a dressing or small plasters that are applied on the penis shaft and/or at the base of the penis.  These can be removed when you get home.


Keeping the penis clean. You can shower normally the next day. Avoid very hot showers as this could make any bruising and swelling worse. If you begin to notice any migration of the filler towards the tip of the penis, keep the penis upright in supportive underwear.


Massage : Your Urologist will show you how to massage the penis in the two weeks after treatment. This is to ensure continued even distribution of the filler as everything settles down. You may find that you do not need to massage the penis too much if the filler remains symmetrical along the shaft.

Massage is usually done just 3 – 6  times a day for one to two minutes after going for a pee.

However, lump and bump formations can occur after penis fillers and very occasionally these cannot be massaged out entirely. If this occurs, as mentioned previously,  an enzyme called hyalase can be injected to dissolve these stubborn lumps. If you have foreskin you maybe more susceptible to lump formations near the tip of your penis. This is because there is no border between the shaft and the foreskin. This may result in difficulty in retracting your foreskin at first. In such cases you may require dissolving treatments to correct this.


Sex. We advise that you do not have sexual intercourse of masturbate for up to 14 days after treatment. If you experience any healing issues then this may be longer. Seek the advice of your Urologist if you are in any doubt.

Exercise. You may resume exercise. However,  please build up to your normal routine over the course of the following week.


Need for further treatments. Due to the temporary nature of dermal fillers with Hyaluronic acid, you will require further treatments in the future to maintain the thickness levels of our penis. If you do not maintain the treatment the penis will return to its original size. Penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid fillers are temporary solutions to increase penis size.


Helpline. Moorgate have a helpline that's open Monday to Friday , excluding bank holidays. The number to call is 01302 246131. Please ask for the patient care team when you call. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5.00pm. Queries of a medical nature will always be referred to your treating Urologist. However, if you need medical advice outside of our opening hours we advise that you contact your out of hours GP service or your local A+E department. If you feel your condition is life threatening dial 999 for the emergency services.


Attending Appointments. It is very important that you attend your post treatment appointments at Moorgate. It is also equally important that you follow your post treatment instructions to ensure that you have the best opportunity of a successful procedure and full recovery, failure to follow the guidance could compromise the results of your treatment.


The procedure is a cosmetic one and so assessment of the results involves an element of subjectivity. It is important to understand that while you will be advised by your Urologist as to the probable results, these by no means should be taken as a guarantee. It is impossible to give you an exact size increase to the centimetre .