Testicular Enhancement Surgery

Procedure Overview Recovery and Results Considerations

Testicle Enhancement  surgery, also known as testicular augmentation, is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the testicles and to help fill out the scrotum more.. This procedure involves the placement of testicular implants, adjacent to the “ real” testicles to improve the appearance of the testicles and scrotum. . Here's an overview of how testicular enhancement surgery works:


Procedure Overview:

Consultation: Before the surgery, patients  have a consultation with our Senior Urologist, Dr Nenad Djakovic. During this consultation, Dr Djakovic will discuss the patient's goals, medical history, and any concerns they may have. The surgeon will also explain the procedure, potential risks, and expected outcomes. He will ask the patient how they would like the testicles to look and dscuss implant sizes to achieve the desired result.


Anesthesia: On the day of the surgery, the patient will be given general anesthesia to ensure they are comfortable and do not feel any pain during the procedure. This means being asleep throughout the procedure.


Incision: The surgeon will make a small incision in the scrotum or groin area. The location of the incision will depend on factors such as the type of implant being used and the desired results.


Placement of Implants: Testicular implants are typically made of silicone or another safe material that feels similar to the natural testicle. The surgeon will carefully insert the implants into the scrotum, ensuring they are positioned correctly and symmetrically.


Closure: Once the implants are in place, the surgeon will close the incision with sutures. The sutures used are often dissolvable, so they will not need to be removed later.


 Testicular Implants:

Solid Silicone Implants: These are the most common type of testicular implants. They are firm and provide a natural feel and appearance. They are of a very similar feel to the natural testicles.


Recovery and Results:

Postoperative Care: After the surgery, patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the scrotal area. The surgeon will provide instructions on how to care for the incision site, manage pain, and prevent infection. All patients are given a course of antibiotics for one week and pain relief medication. This is provided on discharge from the hospital.


Recovery Time: Most patients are able to return to light activities within a week or two after surgery. Strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and sexual activity must be avoided for six weeks to allow for proper healing. Most patients take around one week off work.


Results: The results of testicular enhancement  surgery are generally permanent. Patients can expect an enhanced appearance of their testicles, improved symmetry, and a more balanced scrotal appearance. The implants feel similar to natural testicles and are designed to be durable and long-lasting.



Candidacy: Candidates for testicular implant surgery should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure.


Consultation: It is important for patients to thoroughly discuss their goals and concerns with the surgeon during the consultation. The surgeon will assess the patient's suitability for the procedure and develop a customized treatment plan.


Testicular implant surgery is a safe and effective option for individuals looking to enhance the appearance of their testicles. Moorgate Andrology have considerable experience in this procedure and all procedures are performed by Dr Nenad Djakovic himself,  GMC Specialist registered Urologist