Why UK men prefer a fat transfer over hyaluronic acid for Penis Enlargement

Natural Feel and Appearance Long-Term Results Safety Profile Potential for Additional Liposuction Benefits Customizable Results Cost Considerations Conclusion

When considering options for penis enlargement, guys often compare the two , go-to  methods, a fat transfer and hyaluronic acid injections. While both procedures aim to increase penile girth, there are several reasons why most guys in the UK prefer a fat transfer over hyaluronic acid for this purpose.

1. Natural Feel and Appearance:

Fat Transfer (Autologous Fat Grafting):

Fat transfer involves using the patient's own fat cells, typically harvested from areas like the abdomen or thighs (where the best quality fat is located )  through a small liposuction procedure. Because it is the patient's own tissue, the transferred fat integrates naturally into the penile tissues. This results in a more natural look and feel, closely resembling the surrounding tissues.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections:

Hyaluronic acid is a synthetic filler substance. While it can provide immediate volume and girth, it may not feel as natural as transferred fat. Some individuals may notice a difference in texture or consistency compared to the natural tissues of the penis.


2. Long-Term Results:

Fat Transfer:

The transferred fat cells become a permanent part of the penile tissues. While some initial volume will  be lost due to the body absorbing a portion of the fat, the remaining fat cells typically survive long-term. This means that the results of fat transfer can be enduring, with maintenance procedures rarely needed.

Hyaluronic Acid:

Hyaluronic acid injections provide temporary results. The body gradually absorbs the filler over time, typically lasting anywhere from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the individual and the specific product used. To maintain the desired girth, repeat injections are necessary.


3. Safety Profile:

Fat Transfer:

Using the patient's own fat cells reduces the risk of allergic reactions or rejection. Since the fat comes from the individual's body, there is minimal risk of adverse reactions or complications related to foreign substances.

Hyaluronic Acid:

While hyaluronic acid fillers are generally considered safe, there is still a risk of allergic reactions, inflammation, or lumps forming. Additionally, if the injection is not performed correctly, there is a risk of vascular occlusion, where the filler blocks a blood vessel.


4. Potential for Additional Liposuction Benefits:

Fat Transfer:

Liposuction, which is used to harvest the fat for transfer, can provide additional contouring benefits. Patients can achieve improved body symmetry and reduced fat in donor areas, such as the pubic area. When excess fat is stored in the pubic area it can make the penis look shorter. By using the pubic area fat as the donor fat for the penis girth enhancement, we can make the penis look even longer by reducing the fat that maybe encroaching onto the penis shaft

Hyaluronic Acid:

Hyaluronic acid injections do not offer the secondary benefit of body contouring. Since it is a direct filler injection, there are no associated benefits for reducing fat in other areas.


5. Customizable Results:

Fat Transfer:

The volume of fat transferred can be precisely controlled, allowing for more customized results. Surgeons can adjust the amount of fat injected to achieve the desired girth and contour.

Hyaluronic Acid:

While hyaluronic acid injections can also be customized to some extent, the volume and shape of the injected filler may be more limited compared to fat transfer.


6. Cost Considerations:

Fat Transfer:

While the upfront cost of fat transfer may be higher due to the need for liposuction, it can offer long-term savings. Since fat transfer results are more permanent, individuals may require fewer maintenance procedures over time. In the medium to long term a fat transfer to increase penis girth is always cheaper than hyaluronic acid fillers

Hyaluronic Acid:

The initial cost of hyaluronic acid injections may be lower, but since the results are temporary, individuals will need regular touch-up injections to maintain the desired girth. Over time, these repeated treatments can add up in cost. Hyaluronic acid injections are always more expensive in the long term. This is perhaps why 30% of all patients who have hyaluronic acid at Moorgate Andrology, do on to have a fat transfer



While both fat transfer and hyaluronic acid injections can enhance penile girth, fat transfer often emerges as the preferred option for many individuals seeking a more natural, long-lasting solution. The use of the body's own fat cells provides several advantages, including a natural feel and appearance, enduring results, a favourable safety profile, potential additional body contouring benefits, customization of results, and long-term cost savings.

It is significant that a large percentage of patients who start with hyaluronic acid injections choose to have a fat transfer for the penis girth eventually. The main reason for this is that men become frustrated with the ongoing costs to keep their new penis size. In other cases, the intention all along was to have a fat transfer, but the hyaluronic acid fillers were just a top-gap until they had the funds to do the fat transfer surgery. It should also be noted that human fat is much thicker than hyaluronic acid filler. Therefore , a lot of filler is needed to meet the same results as a fat transfer


However, the choice between fat transfer and hyaluronic acid injections ultimately depends on individual preferences, goals, and medical considerations. Consulting with a qualified and experienced Urologist  is essential to determine the most suitable option based on the individual's anatomy, desired outcomes, and overall health.